Kapanalig Sa Wala - Literally, one who also have faith in nothing, is a play on words and wasn't really intended to mean something. It was made in jest to call the atheist camp when I was still actively debating god in one of the demised public forums out there. I think walang pananalig (faithless) would have proven to be more precise but I think the intended humor will be lost.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I just posted a small article about the path to secularism as mandated by the Philippine constitution. I have been trying to do this for some time and only now I had the motivation to actually write. You see, I write my articles very slowly because I am a bad writer. I have plenty of ideas but most of them are not concretized into a whole. I will continue to expand this thought and will continue to revisit it as I learn more about it.

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